[TYPO3-core] RFC: #14061: Do not die, be the exception!

Steffen Kamper info at sk-typo3.de
Sun Apr 11 16:45:45 CEST 2010

Hi Olly,

Oliver Hader schrieb:
> * What happens if the error/exception handler is disabled? Is there
> anything outputtend/logged? Most of these die() calls contain system
> information and might be required to debug problems further.

with disabled Exception handler you get the plain error message about
"Fatal error: Uncaught exception ..." but with the complete error 
message and debug trace.

> * In the patch there's always an InvalidArgumentException. I think, we
> shoud take care to use proper SPL exceptions in the correct context
> (e.g. RuntimeException, ...). It's also worth to think about a structure
> of specific TYPO3 exceptions like e.g. TYPO3DatabaseException

I used InvalidArgument for the errors where function arguments lead to 
the error. In other cases i used blanc "Exception".
But you're right, there is a chance to differntiate better. I will go 
through all Exceptions and look for best naming.

> I really like this enhancement since a die() does not say anything and
> cannot be handled individually. However, it really changes behaviour and
> thus is not possible for the TYPO3_4-3 branch.

that's ok, as we already talked private about the reasons.

vg Steffen

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