[TYPO3-core] RFC #13996: code cleanup: hardcoded image shown in "HELP > About TYPO3" (backend-redesign)

Jigal van Hemert jigal at xs4all.nl
Tue Apr 6 16:41:27 CEST 2010

Stephan N Kellermayr wrote:
> i understand your worries about the IE6, and its ok if the TYPO3-backend 
>  generally support it, but i will not respect this browser anymore.
> if someone really wants to keep his IE6, he can use other skins, but 
> t3xskin will definitly go one step further.

As long as the TYPO3 backend supports IE6 the default skin should 
support this browser. Otherwise the install tool should at least offer 
the possibility to install a IE6-compatible skin (in the upgrade wizard).

> and yes, there is a PNG-issue in IE6, but i think its time for a change!
Only for PNG's with an alpha channel and there are also workarounds for 
most circumstances.

> if you think that iam completely wrong going this way, please tell me why.

I think it has been discussed in many places, but the very short version 
in my memory is: TYPO3 aims to be a enterprise level CMS, many big 
companies and government bodies have their own software upgrade policies 
and keep using IE6 on WindowsXP installations. Microsoft has stated that 
it will support IE6 until the extended support for the Windows version 
it came with is expired; IIRC, april 2014...

Jigal van Hemert
* please review #13940 *

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