[TYPO3-core] RFC #13996: code cleanup: hardcoded image shown in "HELP > About TYPO3" (backend-redesign)

Stephan N Kellermayr stephan.kellermayr at t3x.at
Mon Apr 5 14:19:09 CEST 2010

hello Susanne,

1. yes i agree, this solution was not my favorite...

in 't3lib/class.t3lib_befunc.php' is also a fallback from 
$GLOBALS['TBE_STYLES']['logo_login'] to 'gfx/typo3logo.gif', so i 
thought it just points to something like an everywhere used default-logo.
i would prefer another solution too...perhaps its the easiest to define 
a new value in 'TBE_STYLES' ...something like 'typo3_logo' and 
'typo3_logo_small' which could be used by any other part of the system?

$GLOBALS['TBE_STYLES']['logo_login'] should really be used ONLY at the 
login-screen, which currently isnt the case.

2. what do you mean with "very strange" ...? i have used a PNG-image 
instead of the transparent gif which was used before.

i have attached a new patch, removed the deprecated 'vspace' and 
replaced $GLOBALS['TBE_STYLES']['logo_login'] with 
...i think that would be the correct way.

best regards, Stephan

Susanne Moog schrieb:
> I can reproduce the issue, but I don't think we should use the same
> image as for the log in screen. I used your skin with the dark setting
> and the image looks very strange on the login screen. I'd suggest
> introducing an additional setting for this logo, probably with a
> fallback to the log in logo. What do you think?
> Best regards,
> Susanne

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