[TYPO3-core] RFC: #13982: Feature: Renewal of the taskcenter

Dmitry Dulepov dmitry.dulepov at gmail.com
Fri Apr 2 17:34:03 CEST 2010


Susanne Moog wrote:
> I will test somemore and read through the patch this weekend, just
> wanted to give you some feedback to begin with ;)

I do not use task center myself, so cannot help much. But black arrows are to heavy to my taste. They take the eye by their weight from the rest. Can they be small and less black? They do not serve any major purpose: they only open hints, right? So they should not take the attention from content. Same for magenta bars: they kinda cool but take attention away because they are very bright.

I attached a screenshot with smaller gray arrows and no magenta bars. This is a paint in Photoshop over Susanne's screenshot, so the quality as not as it could be in real life but you can see the idea. Does it look better for anybody?

Also Susanne's screenshot shows two small problems with headers on the right: magenta strip has larger height than the gray strip, "move" icons should be 1 or 2 pixels up.

Dmitry Dulepov
TYPO3 expert / TYPO3 security team member
Read more @ http://dmitry-dulepov.com/
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