[TYPO3-core] RFC #11177: Feature: New options noRescale and resolutionFactor for getImgResource()

Steffen Kamper info at sk-typo3.de
Mon May 25 09:38:25 CEST 2009


Franz Koch schrieb:
> Hi Stefan,
>>> sorry, I like the general idea, but I don't like the way it's done. 
>>> The "resolutionFactor" is somewhat odd to me. For me it would make 
>>> much more sense to actually define the dpi (Dots Per Inch), so that 
>>> based on the given width and height and the dpi you can calculate the 
>>> total dimensions (default for screen are 72dpi).  
>> OK: I will change that.
>> Is the screen-resoution always 72dpi (in this case) or should I use 
>> the settings in localconf $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['GFX']['TTFdpi'] ?
> screen resolution is afaik always 72dpi - and even if not it would 
> depend on the output device that you can't control. All images for the 
> web are generated with 72dpi.

and why do i have to set it to 96 always to get the right test image? 
setting of 72 will double the text for me always (in all installations)

vg Steffen

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