[TYPO3-core] RFC #11154: calls to deprecated function makeInstanceClassName in core

Steffen Kamper info at sk-typo3.de
Sat May 23 20:04:24 CEST 2009

Hi Franz,

Franz Koch schrieb:
> Hi Steffen,
>> reason why it didn't found the way in alpha is mainly:
>> * check for object is needless as it returns the object always
> even if the class is not found for what reason ever?

this can't happen as all t3lib/tslib classes are registerd by autoloader.

>> * question: is there a way to deactivate html mail? In former version 
>> you did that (the other way around) by including html mail with the TS 
>> include you described. This is not needed any more, but now i might 
>> want to deactivate html for use plain only
> well - I think this is out of the scope of this patch to introduce new 
> TS options, isn't it?
not really. As the setting before worked as a switch we have to find a 
solution for, so after the patch the behaviour is the same.

> And afaik fe_adminlib never checked properly if HTML-mail is allowed or 
> not. It only checks the mail content for surrounding '<html>|</html>' - 
> and if so, it forces sending the  mail in HTML no matter what. So it 
> could fail if t3lib_htmlmail hadn't been included.

i looked to this and it's really ugly :-)
> So what do you suggest now? Check at this point if the (outdated) 
> "config.incT3Lib_htmlmail" has been set and only then use the autoloader?

maybe we use that setting, yes. This would allow backward compatibility 
and documentation has only to be changed slightly

i suggest:
if ($GLOBALS['TSFE']->config['config']['incT3Lib_htmlmail']) {
	// html is activated. So use isHTMLContent to decide for html / plain
} else {
	// use strip_tags for mail content and send plain

so we kill two birds with one stone:
* backwards compatibility
* a useful global switch for html / plain

vg Steffen

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