[TYPO3-core] RFC #9994: Bug: ereg_replace is deprecated in PHP 5.3 alpha3

Oliver Hader oliver at typo3.org
Fri May 22 22:47:15 CEST 2009

Hi Karsten,

Karsten Dambekalns schrieb:
> Fixed in SVN, thanks.

I'd like to see another full review of all the changes. preg and ereg
behave different - at least the number of found bugs after the commit
shows that this RFC is really tricky. There might be some other hidden

Steffen Kamper, Niels Fröhling and me did another quick review and found
some more issues. So, it's fine for TYPO3 4.3-alpha3 but not for beta,
RC or final.

Oliver Hader
TYPO3 Release Manager 4.3

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