[TYPO3-core] RFC: #11019: User Setup Rewrite #4

Steffen Kamper info at sk-typo3.de
Mon May 18 17:13:59 CEST 2009

Hi Rupi,

i reworked the patch during the T3DD09 and also discussed it with others.
So 2 important changes:
* renamed TUS to TYPO3_USER_SETTINGS (well, that's understandable with 
reading only)
* added csh for all to make it more clear (was omitted when csh-key 
equals fieldname)

Rupert Germann schrieb:
> Here are some things that I tested:
> * maxTitelLen doesn't work because the uc-key is called "titleLen" and
> not "maxTitelLen"
> * same goes for thumbnailsByDefault -> "showThumbs"
> * same goes for language -> "lang" 
> * htmlsource says: 
>   <label for="field_LLL:EXT:setup/mod/locallang.xml:helpText"> ???
all solved now. There was confusion with fieldnames/label names and 
stored names, they are not wise choosed (but i didn't changed them)

> * RTEenabled and noMenuMode are always shown.
> unset($fieldArray['noMenuMode']); fails of course, because there is no key
> called 'noMenuMode' anymore.
solved too

> some suggestions:
> * the field "helpText" can be removed since it seems that its functionality
> was replaced/merged with edit_showFieldHelp (actually it is still used at
> one single place: in the perms module where it decides whether the legend
> in edit mode is displayed or not)

i don't want to do this in this RFC. Can be done easily after this patch.

> * some unneeded fields are written to uc (user, pwd ...). you could exclude
> them by adding a condition like if (!$config['table']) ...
> * most of the htmlspecialchars() calls are not needed because they are
> applied to strings which are ascii anyway eg. columnnames.
as you said: don't trust. It's more secure to do this to avoid tamper 
manipulated data.

> * I see no reason why the fields language and simuser are excluded from CSH
they aren't, see above and test.

So here is my latest patch also including enableFlashUploader and 
edit_wideDocument (as this was in #9849 and  ready for commit.

vg Steffen
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