[TYPO3-core] RFC #8507: Fileadmin: Setting alt attributes and use the locallang.xml files instead of locallang.php files

Rupert Germann rupi at gmx.li
Tue May 12 22:57:23 CEST 2009

hi Steffen,

after applying your patch I have empty title attribs on fileicons.
you're using $theIconTex instead of $theIconText in function formatFileList.

a general question: why is it good to have filled alt-attribs when they are
only shown if the icon is not found ? 
(which will be only the case in a broken TYPO3 installation)
the little yellow tooltip is filled by the title attrib.
or is this different in other browsers?

if not: -1


Steffen Gebert wrote:

> Christian Kuhn wrote:
>>> http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=8507
> Hi Christian,
> I updated your patch to also add alt attribute to the refresh in
> alt_file_navframe.php
> +1 by testing
> Regards
> Steffen
> P.S: Christian just told me, he can't see my attachments in other posts.
> So if you see no file 8507_v3.diff here, please get it from bug tracker.

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