[TYPO3-core] RFC #11016: Implement RSA authentication for BE and FE

Martin Kutschker masi-no at spam-typo3.org
Tue May 5 08:21:31 CEST 2009

Xavier Perseguers schrieb:
>>>>> Two piece commit makes it easier to see logical changes.
>>>> Don't know if it's normal but after updating from svn and not doing
>>>> anything with rsaauth except reading its manual, I cannot BE log in
>>>> anymore:
>>>> No authentication method available. Please contact your TYPO3
>>>> administrator.
>>>> As I am actually my administrator, I won't wait for your answer but
>>>> just
>>>> to give you a feedback.
>>> Hmm, can you try (just to be able to better locate the problem) to
>>> actually install rsaauth (by adding it to the extList in
>>> tyop3conf/localconf.php) and set TYPO3_CONF_VARS[BE][loginSecurityLevel]
>>> to "rsa"?
>>> It would be interesting to know whether that works for you.
>> Without creating tables there is no way it can work. On my dev env, I
>> add to add "sv" that was not there and then I could login again.
> Correction for my latest post. Loading extension "sv" was the only thing
> to do to be able to login again. I never had it and it never hurt before.

It's in the required extension list. For historical reasons this is an
extension, but actually it is part of the Core now. Without "sv" none
none of the authentication extensions work.


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