[TYPO3-core] RFC #11016: Implement RSA authentication for BE and FE

Xavier Perseguers typo3 at perseguers.ch
Mon May 4 22:17:06 CEST 2009

>>>> Two piece commit makes it easier to see logical changes.
>>> Don't know if it's normal but after updating from svn and not doing
>>> anything with rsaauth except reading its manual, I cannot BE log in
>>> anymore:
>>> No authentication method available. Please contact your TYPO3
>>> administrator.
>>> As I am actually my administrator, I won't wait for your answer but just
>>> to give you a feedback.
>> Hmm, can you try (just to be able to better locate the problem) to
>> actually install rsaauth (by adding it to the extList in
>> tyop3conf/localconf.php) and set TYPO3_CONF_VARS[BE][loginSecurityLevel]
>> to "rsa"?
>> It would be interesting to know whether that works for you.
> Without creating tables there is no way it can work. On my dev env, I 
> add to add "sv" that was not there and then I could login again.

Correction for my latest post. Loading extension "sv" was the only thing 
to do to be able to login again. I never had it and it never hurt before.

Xavier Perseguers

One contribution a day keeps the fork away

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