[TYPO3-core] RFC: #11397: [Feature] Add class for render HTML header/footer for BE and FE

Steffen Kamper info at sk-typo3.de
Sun Jun 28 21:57:15 CEST 2009


i updated the patch as follows:

i removed the jsHandler complete, they are static (extOnReady is kept in 
class because BE and extJsInclusion)

But for FE i added 3 objects:

They allow adding css and js with objects in a very easy way including 
all the stdWrap possibilities. See the following example, which shows 
also why jsHandler is no more needed, you can do such the way you like:

page.jsFooterInline {
	10 = TEXT
	10.value = var inlineVar2 = 888;
	20 = COA
	20.wrap = Ext.onReady(function() {|});
	20 {
		10 = TEXT
		10.value = var myExtVar1 = 112;
		20 = TEXT
		20.dataWrap = var pageId = "{TSFE:id}"

with config.removeDefaultJS=external all the inline JS you define this 
way will be written in a temporary file.

vg Steffen
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