[TYPO3-core] RFC: #11397: [Feature] Add class for render HTML header/footer for BE and FE

Steffen Kamper info at sk-typo3.de
Wed Jun 24 13:09:30 CEST 2009


this is a SVN patch request.

Type: Feature

BT Reference: http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=11397

Branches: trunk

This class renders all header- and footer-parts for a webpage. This 
class can be used for BE and FE, which makes it universal, and there is 
a central place where this stuff is handled.

some key features:
* include javascript libs simple (which was the case for template.php)
* introduce a concatenate and compress feature
* add footer part, which is a missing feature. There is one flag which 
moves all javascript to end of the page
* add ExtCore as supported javascript library

The rendering is template based, you can use your own template.

The Javascript rendering is done with these blocks:
You have control at which position your JS should go, also you can 
choose between header part (between <head></head> and footer part 
(before </body>

The class is availabel in FE:
and in BE:

The render is compatible, so you don't have to change anything, but you 

Here is example of usage in Typoscript. There are existing methods used, 
but with some extra parameters, also some new options

#include CSS files
page.stylesheet = fileadmin/css/page.stylesheet.css
page.includeCSS {
     myCSS = fileadmin/css/myCss.css
     myCSS {
         #additional settings
         alternate = 1
         media = print
         title = Print CSS
         compressed = 0
         forceOnTop = 1
         import = 0

#include inline CSS (nothing new)
page.adminPanelStyles = 1
page.noLinkUnderline = 1

page.CSS_inlineStyle (
     #div1 {margin:25px;}

# include javascript Libraries
page.javascriptLibs {
     # load prototype
         Prototype = 0

         #load Scriptaculous with optional modules
         Scriptaculous = 0
         Scriptaculous {
             modules = dragdrop,controls

         # load ExtCore
         ExtCore = 0
         # enable ExtCore debug
         ExtCore.debug = 1

         # load ExtJs
         ExtJs = 1
         ExtJs {
             # include ext-all.css
             css = 1
             # include default theme
             theme = 1
             # load specific adapter (jquery|prototype|yui)
             adapter = jquery
             # enable debug
             debug = 1

#include javascript files
page.includeJSlibs {
     jquery = fileadmin/js/jquery-1.3.2.min.js
     jquery {
         type = text/javascript
         forceOnTop = 1
         footer = 1
         compressed = 1
         forceOnTop = 1

page.includeJS {
     jquery-stations = fileadmin/js/stations.js
     jquery-stations {
         type = text/javascript
         footer = 1
         compressed = 0
         forceOnTop = 0

#include inline javascript

page.JS_inlineCode (
     var inlineVar1 = 555

page.JS_inlineFooterCode (
     var inlineVar2 = 888

#Inline Handler
page.inlineJSHandler.ExtOnReady {
     10 = TEXT
     10.value = var myVar = 15;

     20 = TEXT
     20.value = var myVar2 = "Hello";

page.inlineJSHandler.DocumentOnLoad {
     10 = TEXT
     10.value = var myVar2 = 77;

     20 = TEXT
     20.dataWrap = var hClass = "{register:headerClass}";

# additional options
config.moveJsFromHeaderToFooter = 1

#compress inline javascript
config.minifyJS = 1

#compress inline CSS
config.minifyCSS = 1

#concatenate files (works with external function only, TODO:implement 
own method)
config.concatenateJSandCSS = 1

#use own template file
page.pageHeaderFooterTemplateFile = fileadmin/templates/header_footer.html

I splitted the patch in 3 parts to make it more easy to read.

Sorry for this huge patch :)

vg Steffen
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