[TYPO3-core] RFC #6872: Add suggest-like feature to TCEforms

Andreas Wolf typo3ml at andreaswolf.info
Wed Jun 24 22:06:48 CEST 2009

Hash: SHA1

Hi all,

Benjamin Mack schrieb:
> finally a new version of this patch has arrived. I did some major
> overhauls, added the use of the autoloader, 

great, Benni.

> and except for some small things (usability is not perfect, but not
> really possible to fix with current TCEforms without a major change
> there) I like it, and it got my +1 after reading and testing.

Even greater ;)

> However, as this patch has now changed a lot from the beginning, I
> request that Andreas Wolf at least looks over the code once more and
> maybe gives it a spin, and at least one more (better two) person does a
> profound code-review and testing. Maybe

After quite some time, I finally managed to get back to this - here is
my review:

All in all it looks very good and is quite a bit more consistent now.
I removed an inconsistency I felt in there - the two most general
configs were fetched from TCEMAIN ([default.] and [$queryTable]), while
all other, more special configurations were fetched from TCEFORM. I
suppose this happened because according to doc_core_tsconfig there is no
key "default" in TCEFORM by now. I more or less formally introduced it
here, because fetching it from TCEMAIN doesn't make sense by any means.
What do you think about that?

I also cleaned up some comments, but this is only a minor change.

I'm not quite sure, but I think your documentation doesn't describe the
possibility to use a custom query function instead of creating an own
subclass (though this is really quite the same thing, at least from a
developer's point of view).

I attached a new version of the patch, which *should* apply against the
latest trunk, except for the fe-edit thingy (if it is already in core, I
didn't follow this the last few weeks).

The attached files are:

  The changes I did to Benni's latest patch
  The latest (and greatest ;)) version of the patch.


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