[TYPO3-core] RFC #11370: Inconsistent Login Screen doesn't show system required errors

Bastian Waidelich bastian at typo3.org
Mon Jun 22 18:28:45 CEST 2009

Susanne Moog wrote:

Hi Susanne,

> Jens made some screens how the login should look like. I used the
> existing login mechanism and wrote a new template + css.

+1 by reading and testing (on Windows 7 RC1, Firefox 3.0.11 & IE 8.0.7)
Thanks for pushing this!

Why is the loginNews-block collapsible? As it's state is not persisted 
this seems a bit useless to me.

BTW: I like the new style even though I think the cookie monster is a 
bit uhm... immature for an ECMS ;)


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