[TYPO3-core] RFC #0011317: Backport treelist caching from TYPO3 4.3 to TYPO3 4.2.6

Michael Stucki michael at typo3.org
Mon Jun 22 12:17:47 CEST 2009

Hi Rupi,

> This change has prooven that it can speed up page rendering by factor 3 in
> some scenarios. It's absolutely transparent, needs no configuration or db
> changes.
> we have a mission statement:
> http://typo3.org/about/about-typo3/
> "to jointly innovate excellent free software
> enabling people to communicate"
> holding back a 200% performance improvement is nothing what I can associate
> with the word "exellent".

Every commit to Trunk is a potential improvement that may be useful in 
the current stable version already. There is no difference here.

Just to make this clear I repeat what I already answered in the other 
thread: I'm not holding it back because of forcing people to use 4.3. 
Instead, I need to assure that the quality is kept.

I think the real problem is that 4.3 is delayed which is probably the 
reason why people want to make use of some of the improvements right 
now. However, instead of discussing doing so we should rather help to 
get 4.3 out as soon as possible!

- michael
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