[TYPO3-core] RFC: #11318: broken sorting of filemounts

georg kuehnberger georg at georg.org
Fri Jun 12 02:58:49 CEST 2009

RFC: #11318: broken sorting of filemounts

This is a SVN patch request.

Type: bugfix

BT Reference: http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=11318

Branches: trunk & elder

- Given a Backend-User/Group has more than one filemount, those 
filemounts are displayed in broken/confusing order in the backend to the 
- The TYPO3-Admin has no meaningfull chance to change the order of those 
- I percieve this as a bug, as the only workaround for defining a 
sort-order or filemounts would be fumbling with uid of the 
sys_filemounts in the DB. This is not feasable, and especially should 
not be reommended.

class.t3lib_userauthgroup.php grabs the users accumulated filemounts, 
however with no sorting at all;
that is, the filemounts are provided ordered by their UID, which however 
is neigther transparent nor changeable.
Given that the sys_filemounts are only in the root-page, no manual 
sorting is possible, eigther. (pitty);

- Sort the filemounts alphabetically, by their title;
- This approach matches the expected behaviour of Admins and Users, as 
its well known from filesystems/directories.
- This allows for easily re-orderung via the backend, by simply renaming 
the given file-mounts.

- Added an "orderBy" statement to two selects in 

This patch should also go into versions <= 4.3

Has patch: yes

regards georg

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