[TYPO3-core] RFC #11208: IDN Domain names handelt incorrectly in parts of the backend

Johannes Feustel j at feustel.eu
Fri Jun 5 18:27:22 CEST 2009


This is an SVN patch request.

Type: Bugfix

Bugtracker references:

trunk, 4.2, 4.1

If using an IDN (international domain name) like müller.de, the loading 
of the right frame fails under certain conditions.
This happens because the js code of the context menu adds the complete 
URI including the hostname urlencoded to the returnUrl/redirect 
parameters. Which leads to problems when trying to redirect to the 
domain with the urlencoded umlauts.

Only add the path and parameter parts of the URI. The host will 
automatically be added in the correct way by t3lib_div::locationHeaderUrl().

If you are working with an IDN in the BE and (for example) hide/unhide a 
page using the context menu in the page tree, the right frame will not 
be loaded because of an invalid domain name. Another way to reproduce 
this is by editing page properties from context menu of the page tree.
Also by pasting/deleting in filelist module.

I hope I found all occurrences of this problem.
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