[TYPO3-core] RFC #6853: item state CUR for pages of type "shortcut" missing in menus

JoH asenau info at cybercraft.de
Wed Jun 3 15:02:08 CEST 2009

> I don't want a clickpath, all I want is that each menu item is
> indicating that it's linking to the CURrently displayed page - no
> matter which page type it has (explanation below).

Well - the problem still is another one. :-)

With the current way of handling shortcuts, there can't be such an
indicator, because the shortcut link simply _doesn't_ link to the current
page but to another one. After hitting this page the _content_ is fetched
from another page while leaving the _URL_ as is, leaving us with the problem
of marking item states correctly and having double content.

So if we would change this behaviour to the one somebody would expect from a
"shortcut", namely to directly link to the page, instead of just showing
it's content, all these problems would magically fade away. Since all links
to that particular page would be the same this way, it would be very easy to
mark them the way you want them to be and there would be no additional link
pointing to a page showing the same content anymore.

Your approach would just be a workaround to pretend a correct behaviour,
while my approach is to fix the cause of that problem in order to really get
rid of it.



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