[TYPO3-core] RFC #11474: Store separate extlist for the frontend

Steffen Kamper info at sk-typo3.de
Mon Jul 20 11:55:36 CEST 2009


Xavier Perseguers schrieb:
> Hi,
>>> Please update your patch, t3skin should be loaded in FE in order for 
>>> e.g., feedit to work.
>>> It prevents too our extension mvc_extjs_samples to work (not critical 
>>> but it showed us the problem).
>> We came up with the idea to check if the BE_USER object exists and to 
>> load the BE list then (don't know if we uploaded it yet though).
>> Should solve your problem.
> In case of feedit yes but generally not. We need it now for styling 
> ExtJS widgets in order for them to look as in BE. What if someone wants 
> to make a FE plugin with ExtJS and want to use t3skin? He does not want 
> to have a BE_USER...

the case with t3skin as example shows even a more complicate issue. If 
"not loaded in FE" t3lib_extMgm::isLoaded would return 0. It's called 
even if you only need the extPath. (the skin is only located in 
extension, no ext processing is needed)
But all TBE_STYLES declaration in t3skin is done with TYPO_MODE = BE, so 
even without the flag the var won't be filled (another issue why 
TBE_STYLES doesn't exist in FE context).
So introducing a var "doNotLoadInFE" need other behaviour of isLoaded as 
boolean isn't sufficient then, like
0 => not present
1 => present, but not loaded in this context
2 => present and loaded in this context

vg Steffen

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