[TYPO3-core] RFC: #9991: Localize versioning module

Stefano Kowalke blueduck at gmx.net
Thu Jan 15 23:18:18 CET 2009

Hi Steffen,

i found some issues they need to fix:

Line 449:
- <td>Title</td>
+ <td>' . $GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('tblTitle') . '</td>

Maybe it is better to take the exist label from
locallang_general.xml:LGL.title or create 'Title' in locallang_common.xml

Line 450 and 457:  

Need a translation too for reason if you want to translate into a non-latin
chars language

Line 473 and 476:
height="14"').' alt="" title="Publish page AND content! - AND ALL

Line 488 and 620:

Take the label 'Edit' from locallang_common instead

Line 517:
Label: <input type="text" name="cmd['.$this->table.']['.$this->uid.'
[version][label]" /><br/>

Line 625:

Take the label 'Delete' from locallang_common instead

Line 712:

Make label 'Errors:' translateable

Line 893:
- $diffCode.= ($diffPct<0 ? 'N/A' : ($diffPct ? $diffPct.'% change:' : ''));
+ $diffCode.= ($diffPct<0 ? 'N/A' : ($diffPct ? $diffPct . '% ' .
$GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('change') : ''));

Make label 'N/A' translateable

Line 923:
- // Create version element:
+ // Create version element:          $GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('liveVersion')

Don't understand this.  $GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('liveVersion') is commented

Line 1407:
- ($diffPct<0 ? 'N/A' : ($diffPct ? $diffPct.'% change:' : '')).
+ ($diffPct<0 ? 'N/A' : ($diffPct ? $diffPct . '% ' .
$GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('change') : '')).

Make 'N/A' translateable

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