[TYPO3-core] RFC: #10025: ImageMagick generates larger than necessary files

Steffen Kamper info at sk-typo3.de
Sun Feb 15 22:42:38 CET 2009


Ingo Renner schrieb:
> Helmut Hummel wrote:
> Steffen,
>>>>> $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['GFX']['no_strip'] = true;
>>>> Didn't we agree to not use no double negation? ;)
>>> where is double negation?
>> no_strip = true
>> Why not use "strip=false" or even better, be a bit more descriptive like:
>> strip_exif_data or stripExifData, whatever is more apropriate here...
> I strongly agree with helmut here, please use a name that describes the 
> setting and is not negated. Those negated variables are highly 
> confusing. I'd suggest using stripExifdataFromThumbnails.

i already did in 3rd version of patch, see above. As it's not Exif only 
(Profile data is not defined which one it contain, mostly it's the color 

vg Steffen

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