[TYPO3-core] RFC: #10322: Send Notification if BE is locked

Admin-nedkovlab admin at nedkovlab.com
Tue Feb 3 12:46:34 CET 2009

Hi, Steffan!

Yes, 1 is the proper value for this case.

That's what the documentation says about decay. Some more info:

This controls the rate at which the request interval grows when the response
is unchanged. It is used as a multiplier on the current period (which starts
at the original value of the frequency parameter). Every time a request
returns an unchanged response text, the current period is multiplied by the
decay. Therefore, the default value means regular requests (no change of
interval). Values higher than one will yield growing intervals. Values below
one are dangerous: the longer the response text stays the same, the more
often you'll check, until the interval is so short your browser is left with
no other choice than suicide. Note that, as soon as the response text does
change, the current period resets to the original one. 

To better understand decay, here is a small sequence of calls from the
following example:

new Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater('items', '/items', {   method: 'get', frequency:
3, decay: 2 }); Call# When? Decay before Response changed? Decay after Next
period Comments 
1 00:00 2 n/a 1 3 Response is deemed changed, since there is no prior
response to compare to! 
2 00:03 1 yes 1 3 Response did change again: we "reset" to 1, which was
already the decay. 
3 00:06 1 no 2 6 Response didn't change: decay augments by the decay option
factor: we're waiting longer now. 
4 00:12 2 no 4 12 Still no change, doubling again. 
5 00:24 4 no 8 24 Jesus, is this thing going to change or what? 
6 00:48 8 yes 1 3 Ah, finally! Resetting decay to 1, and therefore using the
original period. 

Disabling and re-enabling a PeriodicalUpdater
You can pull the brake on a running PeriodicalUpdater by simply calling its
stop method. If you wish to re-enable it later, just call its start method.
Both take no argument.

Please let us know if this was useful for you or if I could help you in any

Best regards,
Valentin nedkov


-----Original Message-----
From: typo3-team-core-bounces at lists.netfielders.de
[mailto:typo3-team-core-bounces at lists.netfielders.de] On Behalf Of Steffen
Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2009 1:40 PM
To: typo3-team-core at lists.netfielders.de
Subject: Re: [TYPO3-core] RFC: #10322: Send Notification if BE is locked


Admin-nedkovlab schrieb:
> Hi, Steffan!
> Please check if this could be because of prototype specific handling 
> of request when there is not any changes.
> Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater has the following properties: 
> 	method: 'get',
> 	frequency: 3, 
> 	decay: 2.
> When  there are not any changes at all decay will grow up so may be 
> this is where your problem is.
> Best regards,
> Valentin Nedkov

thanks for this tip. Indeed there is no decay defined, i check that now. 
Description sounds logic that it is needed [1]. So for not changing the
interval without response change, decay should be 1, right?

vg Steffen

[1] http://www.prototypejs.org/api/ajax/periodicalUpdater
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