[TYPO3-core] RFC: #12613: Wrong character encoding in cache tables breaks frontend rendering

Martin Kutschker masi-no at spam-typo3.org
Thu Dec 17 18:38:24 CET 2009

Vladimir Podkovanov schrieb:

> IMHO caching framework tables should be converted to BLOB too. I
> experience the same bug there then I try to use pdf_generator2
> extension. It is generates pdf page and stores content in page's cache.
> But if DB uses utf-8 then your data getting truncated after first symbol
> which is not in utf-8 (pdf_generator2 is not using utf-8 for encoding).
> So even serializing in framework does not help here thus same fix
> needed. Really as I see serializing doesn't change encoding so it is not
> relevant to bug.

Right, serializing doesn't remove the encoding from the data. So any serialized content in
iso-8859-1 will break when put into a utf-8 TEXT field. The only thing the application can do itself
is to base64 the content before storing it in the DB. But that has the disadvantage that a further
transformation has to be applied. Both base64 and BLOBs are "unreadable", though IMHO its easier the
get a BLOB field as text from a DB than a base64'ed content.


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