[TYPO3-core] RFC: #10853: [Feature] New Multimedia CE

Oliver Hader oliver at typo3.org
Mon Apr 20 21:33:19 CEST 2009

Hi Steffen,

Steffen Kamper schrieb:
> Description:
> The MULTIMEDIA-CE is a bit outdated and doesn't give much possibilities
> for streaming data as done in modern websites.
> This attached solution adds a new MEDIA-CE that enables a lot of new
> possibilities:
> Flash player is added, Media can be streamed with SWFobject, Quicktime
> can be streamed with QTobject
> The MULTIMEDIA isn't removed (only the CE is hidden). The Media is a
> dispatcher, where you can choose the type of render (flash (SWFOBJECT),
> quicktime (QTOBJECT), embed (MULTIMEDIA) [and userdefined types by hook]
> I've written a manual (which needs some proofreading and additions)
> attached to Bugtracker, also a demo extension to show how to use the hooks.

I like the idea, but just had a very short look into your patch. Please
check again your settings concerning spaces/tabs in your IDE.
Furthermore the modified TCA might have problems (search for ",media" in
your changes).

Why are the new TypoScript objects added to the static TypoScript for
compat-versions before 4.3? I think that that's not required, is it?

> The flashmedia.zip needs to be extracted in typo3/contrib.
> The flvplayer is an own compilation, so it's called "TYPO3 Media Player"

What does "own compilation" mean exactly?

Oliver Hader
TYPO3 Release Manager 4.3

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