[TYPO3-core] RFC: #10853: [Feature] New Multimedia CE

Steffen Kamper info at sk-typo3.de
Sun Apr 19 22:58:25 CEST 2009


> Aha, the "render type" seems to mean the technology used. So "Quicktime"
> doesn't refer to the file format but the browser plugin. I suggest to
> rename the options to "QuickTime browser plugin" and "Shockwave Flash
> browser plugin". If "Embed Object" is to mean "HTML embed element", it
> should also be renamed. *

good point! I will rename the labels.

> Maybe I should read the docs, but I like the UI a bit more intuitive :)

UI should be intuitive, so i like to get this input, as things seems 
obvious for me is not for other users ;-)

> Masi
> * I tried to use "Embed Object" with my local .mov. With "Use player" I
> got nothing (no rendered HTML code). Without the checboxed ticked I got
> the SWFobject, but it wouldn't show any video.

i recheck this. I must say that i spent most time on swf and qt, as 
embed code wasn't touched.

vg Steffen

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