[TYPO3-core] FYI: Fixed bug #10844: htmlArea RTE: htmlArea RTE: undo/redo is erratic in IE8
Stanislas Rolland
typo3 at sjbr.ca
Thu Apr 9 19:27:19 CEST 2009
FYI: The attached SVN patch was committed.
Problems arise in IE8 when an attempt is made to insert a bookmark, the
selection is empty and focus is not in the editing iframe.
Such bookmarks are used to restore the cursor position when undo/redo
operations are performed. Inserting a bookmark requires the creation of
a range. Because of the IE8 bug(feature?), the created range is incorrect.
If focus is brought on the editor iframe for the purpose of inserting a
bookmark, any opened dialogue window is minimized, which is very
annoying, since undo/redo snapshots are taken asynchronously.
Similar problems arise when a special character is inserted (because
inserting the character requires creation of a range) or when the
acronym dialogue window opens (because it may need to create a range to
get the current acronym/abbreviation).
Avoid inserting bookmarks when a dialogue window is opened and the
selection is empty. The impact is minimal, but it could happen that
cursor position is not restored on undo/redo operations. This will be
hard to fix when Microsoft corrects the bug, because it is not clear how
the script can detect that the bug exists or not...
In the case of acronyms, move code so that the current acronym, if any,
is located before opening the dialogue window.
The issue does not exist in TYPO3 4.1 because the cursor position
restoration feature is not available in that branch and acronym was not
enabled in IE in that branch either.
Bugtracker references:
trunk (revision 5306)
typo3_4-2 (revision 5305)
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