[TYPO3-core] FYI: Fixed bug #9277: Incorrect size of htmlArea RTE dialogue windows in Google Chrome browser

Stanislas Rolland typo3 at sjbr.ca
Sun Sep 14 01:57:59 CEST 2008

FYI: The attached SVN patch was committed.


"RTEhtmlarea doesn't work in Google Chrome browser", says the 
reporter... I do not with what version of the TYPO3 he tried. TYPO3 4.2 
  is required. I did not test many features of the RTE in Chrome, but 
generally it seems to behave very much like Safari. Anyways, it seems 
that Google wrapped a fresh new set of bugs around Apple's Webkit.
As of Google Chrome build 1798, window methods resizeTo and moveTo give 
unpredictable and erratic results, the resulting window being most of 
the time simply collapsed.

The attached patch disables resizing and centering of RTE windows in 
Google Chrome.The patch also revises the resizing algorithm so that 
resizing should be more accurate in Safari and Firefox3. Firefox's nice 
method sizeToContent() does not work very well anymore since Firefox 3.

Bugtracker references:

trunk (revision 4103)
TYPO3_4-2 (revision 4101)

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