[TYPO3-core] RFC: Feature #7572: Extend $TSFE for FeUsers in table sys_lockedrecords
Stefan Geith
typo3dev2008.nospam1 at geithware.de
Wed Oct 29 13:58:47 CET 2008
Hi Oliver,
Oliver Hader schrieb:
>>> Type: New feature
>>> Bugtracker references:
>>> http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=7572
>>> (http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=7571)
>>> and
>>> old: http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=4655
>>> Branches:
>>> 4.2, Trunk
>>> Problem:
>>> Manage locked records also for Fe-User Editing - TSFE-Part
>>> Solution:
>>> Add 3 functions to TSFE for
>>> - locking a record
>>> - unlocking a record
>>> - checking if record is already locked
>>> Notes:
>>> A Test-Extension can be found in the BT.
> Some annotations to your patch:
> * please define the function access "public function ..."
> * call "lockRecords" further "setRecordEditLock"
> * call "unlockRecords" further "removeRecordEditLocks"
OK; and renamed isRecordLoced to getRecordEditLockState()
> * integrate boolean return values for the set/remove methods that state
> whether the actions was successful
> * please use TYPO3_DB->fullQuoteStr() to escape strings for database
> disposal
> * instead of checking an FE-user array that might not exist, you can
> pre-check this by using $TSFE->loginUser
> * a method name beginning with "is" should return a boolean value in
> general - if information should be returned this can be done by calling
> a method with an array as reference that will be filled if available,
> e.g methodName($table, $uid, &$information = NULL)
I renamed it to getRecordEditLockState(,,&$information)
because it returns a status-code -1|0|1
0 = record is not locked
-1 = record ist locked, but only my myself
1 = record is locked by 1 or more other fe/beusers
$information can be string or array for getting more or less detailed
> * inside isRecordLocked() you select all items of sys_lockedrecords and
> recude it later to the requested table name and its uid - this can be
> improved - I know that it's the same in t3lib_BEfunc, but that's no
> reason for copy&paste
I first tought, I should do it the same way t3lib_BEfunc duest it -
because of compatibility. But I now think it makes more sense the way I
did it now; Please check this.
- - -
I have also a Plugin added to BT for testing this patch:
Place this plugin on a page and you can lock / unlock / test records.
- Naturally it only works, if your are logged in to the FE !
- Open some content-elements in the BE (!) and let them open (!!)
- In FE: Enter tt_content and the UID of the content-elements that you
just opend in the BE and click on 'check if record is locked' and see
the results
- In FE: Enter tt_content and the UID of a content-element and click on
'lock record' and check in the BE, if exclamation-mark ist set on these
- In FE: log in as ANOTHER user and check the same record: should be
locked (if you check as the SAME FeUser, then you will not get a
> I hope that you're still motivated to enhance your patch after my
> pedantic review. Thanks so far for the almost finished new feature!
More annotations - even 'pedantic reviews' - are welcome ;)
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