[TYPO3-core] RFC #9474: Integrate OpenID authentication support to TYPO3

Oliver Hader oliver at typo3.org
Mon Oct 20 13:43:28 CEST 2008

Hi Michael,

Michael Stucki schrieb:
>> Here is the updated patch. Changes:
>> - should now work if TYPO3 is installed in the subdirectory
>> - code to include OpenID libraries is executed only once. It is cleaner
>> than before.
> I didn't look at the patch at all. It is pretty huge, therefore I would
> like to ask you for a patch that contains only the modifications you did
> to the OpenID library plus the other stuff that you have added. Does
> that make sense?
> Additionally, I am still undecided whether or not this extension should
> be a system extension. Remember the condition initially was:
> - System extensions need to be used by some 80% (I think) of all
>   installations to qualify for global shipping
> - There is the exception of "dbal" because this one could not be
>   installed without having a DB in place
> What do you think? By the way, have you already contacted Julle if he
> transfers the extension key to you?

I'd like to see OpenId in TYPO3 4.3 - at the Hackontest someone out of
the jury asked "oh, you didn't have OpenId before?". IMO it's an
important improvement for TYPO3.

Changing the perspective, none of the new features not packaged to
system extensions is used by some 80%. Hm...

This is my +1 on testing and shipping it with TYPO3 4.3

Oliver Hader
TYPO3 4.3 Release Manager

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