[TYPO3-core] RFC #9480: Bug/cleanup: Enhance debug information with SQL data

Steffen Kamper info at sk-typo3.de
Sat Oct 18 00:57:03 CEST 2008

Hi Ingo,

Ingo Renner schrieb:
> better:
> create a "Null-Logger" class that is always present and only gets 
> replaced by other loggers like devlog.
> The Null-Logger would have the same interface as a real logger but does 
> just nothing else. No output, no logging, nothing.
> This would save us the if() checks and we could just call the logger 
> whereever we want without worrying about whether there's a real logger 
> or not.
> However, I'd suggest to do this in a separate patch.

+1 for this, great idea!

vg Steffen

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