[TYPO3-core] RFC: #9574: Configuration enhancement for indexed_search

Steffen Kamper info at sk-typo3.de
Thu Oct 16 10:11:45 CEST 2008


this is a SVN patch request.

Type: Feature (Enhancement)

Bugtracker references:

Branches: trunk

For a client project i needed some more advanced Configuration of the 
output of indexed_search.
This was not possible with actual version of indexed_search because
* templating was not consequent, there were still hardcoded HTML-output
* pagebrowser was not configurable and not templated
* complete search result was not configurable
Also it was not possible to split the output and display in different 
parts of the page. I added a new plugin which uses indexed_search in a 
special way using only the form, so search is't done multiple times. The 
new plugin is a virtual one that calls indexed_search with a special 
configuration, which can be used with Typoscript or as Content  Element 
on page.

I added flexforms to both plugins so it is possible to use 
indexed_search without additional Typoscript.

Here is an overview of the implemented changes. I configured them to the 
default output which is the same as actual,
the only change of defaults are
* link for extended Searchform set to 0
* standard template is the CSS-version
* css-template has new sections: browsebox top, browsebox bottom, main 
tamplate for search results


A new plugin was added: Searchbox for indexed search.
This makes it possible to use  it also as a global searchbox on the 
site. There is no more need to use an extra plugin like macina search or 
creating a form by yourself.

This is how it's done in Typoscript:
plugin.tx_indexedsearchbox < plugin.tx_indexedsearch
plugin.tx_indexedsearchbox.code = form

following Typoscript-vars are added

#the target page for the searchform where are the results displayed
resultPid =
#what to display
code = form,rules,results
# Display the searchword in results, like: Search for "searchword"
whatIs_stdWrap {
	wrap = <div class="tx-indexedsearch-whatis">|</div>	
searchWord_stdWrap {
		wrap = <span class="tx-indexedsearch-sw">"|"</span>

# Paging
defaultResultsProPage = 10
pageBrowser {
	doNotLinkCurrent = 1
	general_stdWrap {
		wrap = <ul class="browsebox">|</ul>
	previous_stdWrap {
		wrap = <li>|</li>
	next_stdWrap {
		wrap = <li>|</li>
	pages_stdWrap {
		wrap = <li>|</li>
	current_stdWrap {
		wrap = <li 
	pageLinks_stdWrap {
		preCObject = TEXT
		preCObject.dataWrap = 
		preCObject.noTrimWrap = | ||

3 sections are added
* section for top browsebox
* section for bottom browsebox
* section for the complete results output

Remember when change settings in typoscript of plugin.tx_indexedsearch 
to repeat the copy for this plugin.

I tried to describe the patch in detail so please test it, i hope you 
enjoy the enhancement.

vg Steffen
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