[TYPO3-core] RFC #9846: Change rendering order of plugins by typoscript

Stephan Schuler Stephan.Schuler at netlogix.de
Wed Nov 26 14:53:12 CET 2008


this is a SVN patch request.

Type: Feature

BT Reference: http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=9846

Branches: trunk

Problem: My goal is to be able to change the rendering order of plugins (the order of instantiating them and calling their main method) by typoscript.


Normally content elements to be rendered are called in the order they appear in the output code definition. When having a regular three columns design, for example, the right column appears in the output code before the centered column appears to be floated on its right side.
Sometimes the content elements at the centered column are controller plugins doing something the right column should be affected by. Example therefore is a shop system with shopping cart shown on the right side being filled by a centered "add to cart" plugin.

The attached patch demonstrates the way this feature is meant:

* For each plugin to be rendered, this patch looks up a priority value, changes the rendering order when necessary and reorders the returned content.
* Typoscript code has to be written like "plugin.pluginName.renderPriority".
* Values are taken as int values, lower values are higher priority.
* Plugins without defined renderPriority automatically get priorities starting from 100 added by their former position in the output string.


Stephan Schuler
TYPO3 Entwickler

Telefon: +49 (911) 539909 - 0
E-Mail: Stephan.Schuler at netlogix.de

netlogix GmbH & Co. KG
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Geschäftsführer: Stefan Buchta, Matthias Schmidt, Guido-Arndt Söldner, Jens-Henrik Söldner

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