[TYPO3-core] RFC: #9674: TCEmain changes for new improved record recycling concept
Julian Kleinhans
admin at typo3tutorials.org
Wed Nov 12 21:14:03 CET 2008
This is a SVN patch request.
Type: Missing Feature
Bugtracker reference:
Branches: Trunk
1) The new improved record recycling concept [1] need some changes in
tcemain to work correct with deleted data! There is no posability to
disable the deleteClause WHERE statement
2) Next problem is that there is no method that checks if you can
undelete a record. You can undelete every record with process_cmdmap
(undelete), no matter if the parent site is avaiable (deleted = 0) or
not (deleted = 1)!
1) New protected var and public setter method to disable deleteClause
2) New function that checks if the parent site is avaiable
julian kleinhans
[1] http://forge.typo3.org/projects/show/extension-recycler
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