[TYPO3-core] FYI: Cleanup: Specified deprecated statements

Oliver Hader oliver at typo3.org
Tue Nov 4 14:26:49 CET 2008

The following changes were committed to SVN (rev. 4416)

There are many "@deprecated" statements in the core - but nobody really
knows when accordant information has been added and when functionality
should be thrown out of the source code.

To clarify this, the time when the "@deprecated" marks got added where
also put as information into the source code (e.g. "@deprecates since
TYPO3 4.0").

The "@deprecated" statements of the [SELECT/DELETE/UPDATE/INSERT]query
methods of t3lib_db have been removed since it was more a "please use
the exec_SELECTquery() instead" and thus the intention never was to
remove these methods.

Next step:
Carefully check the core, what can be removed or has still to be adapted.

Branch: Trunk

Oliver Hader
TYPO3 4.3 Release Manager
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