[TYPO3-core] RFC #9703: Integrate EXT: ingmar_admpanelwrap

Clemens Riccabona clemens at riccabona.biz
Mon Nov 3 10:58:56 CET 2008

Nice to hear, that we have time to provide a 'fits all' solution. ;)
So shall I take this one over?
I think the idea for including into core was from ingo originally.
But I can offer to contribute this one.

As a summary here is the list of requested features:

1. make js in a class, or at least prefix function-names.
2. export js to a separate file.
3. make js compatible to xmenu_layers and the various javascript libraries
out there.
4. provide a compressed version of js too, which should be included by
5. add icon for showing the drag-feature to the user
6. cursor:move; onmouseover
7. mention Ingmar as he had the idea initially.

Anything else I forgot?

Btw: does anyone know if the admPanel is skinnable?
Not really the scope of this one, but maybe of general interest.

Greetz Clemens

> Clemens Riccabona schrieb:
> >> Clemens Riccabona wrote:
> >>
> >>> But now it works!!!
> >> ehhmmm, we need a patch, not a new extension...
> >> This here is about integrating the fucntionality into the TYPO3
> core.
> >>
> >> Ingo
> >
> >
> > I know -> Sunday ok? Don't know if this should go to 4.2.3 and when
> 4.2.3
> > will be released.
> It won't be part of 4.2.3. As it's a new feature it will be shipped
> with
> 4.3, so there is no need to hurry.
> Better take your time to write your code it complies to the requests on
> the list (especially the scoping of the code in a JS class or using
> function prefixes). Great that you thought about testing the code with
> the various JS libs!
> Masi

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