[TYPO3-core] --review-- RFC: Fix (part of) #7589: FULLTEXT keys are not processed correctly

Dmitry Dulepov [typo3] dmitry at typo3.org
Mon Mar 3 11:40:29 CET 2008


Here is functional only review.

Michael Stucki wrote:
> I just noticed: step5_todo_cleanup.diff was edited by me manually and will
> not apply. However, this is really just a final cleanup and is not
> necessary at all!

Applied all except step5, went to Install tool.

Here is a part of "show create table tt_news" output at my system:
  KEY `parent` (`pid`),
  KEY `t3ver_oid` (`t3ver_oid`,`t3ver_wsid`),
  FULLTEXT KEY `fts` (`title`,`bodytext`)

In Install tool I see:
|√| ALTER TABLE tt_news ADD FULLTEXT KEY fts (title,bodytext);

Did not expect it, key already exists! Same in EM. And of course I get SQL erros after applying proposed change:

caller		t3lib_DB::admin_query
ERROR 		Duplicate key name 'fts'
lastBuiltQuery 	ALTER TABLE tt_news ADD FULLTEXT KEY fts (title,bodytext);
debug_backtrace SC_mod_tools_em_index->main // SC_mod_tools_em_index->showExtDetails // SC_mod_tools_em_index->updatesForm // SC_mod_tools_em_index->checkDBupdates // t3lib_install->performUpdateQueries // t3lib_DB->admin_query // t3lib_DB->debug

Another problem. I have the following declaration for tx_ratings_data in ext_tables.sql:
	KEY parent (pid),
	KEY reference (reference(16))
) ENGINE = InnoDB;

And I see in Install tool:

|√| ALTER TABLE tx_ratings_data ENGINE=MyISAM;
	Current value: ENGINE=InnoDB

Same for any other table from extensions that declare engine explicitely. This is no-go :( I do not want to change these tables to MyISAM. They must be InnoDb because they must have high concurrency.

InnoDb is enabled on my system.

Dmitry Dulepov
TYPO3 core team
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Skype: callto:liels_bugs
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