[TYPO3-core] RFC: Add feature #6547: Allow ignoring of the the no_cache parameter

Michael Stucki michael at typo3.org
Sun Mar 2 23:21:46 CET 2008

Oliver Hader wrote:

> I agree that this is a desired feature and no_cache could trouble some
> sites with high traffic.
> There are some internal methods in the Core which call
> TSFE->set_no_cache(), e.g. on forcing TypoScript rendering in admin
> panel. If one wants to use the admin panel on a site with
> disableNoCacheParameter enabled, he has to disable this flag again
> before. But I tend to have a "better" solution for these cases.

This is true although it is also intended. I would probably not use it
during template development, but during a second phase when the site is
tested for functionality.

I have yet no idea about when to use this new property and when not. But I
could imagine that in near future we can make sites with no no_cache
elements at all, and there it would be safe to ensure that this will not
change... (Of course it seems the feature makes sense only if syslog is
actively used. Developers or site admins need to monitor it to find such
errors, and fix the erroneous parts afterwards.)

> I'm fine with this feature entering the Core, but only with
> disableNoCacheParameter disabled by default (as it is right now):
> +1 on reading an testing

Thanks! One more missing...

- michael
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