[TYPO3-core] RFC: Feature #7323: New Styling of Menu and Pagetree in new Backend

Steffen Kamper steffen at sk-typo3.de
Thu Jan 31 12:30:43 CET 2008

Hi Ingo,

first sry for some mixing. We worked in team for a couple of days and so i 
tried to bring all the changes in by copying modified css files.

"Ingo Renner" <ingo at typo3.org> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
news:mailman.1.1201777718.12836.typo3-team-core at lists.netfielders.de...
> Steffen Kamper wrote:
> Hi Steffen,
> please revise your patch due to the following issues:
> * the patch is too large and includes changes to more than only one issue 
> (menu, tree filter, duration, file moving, CGL, ...)
> * use diff -ruN, that should also include binary files into the patch
tortoise doesn't have such option

> * this one really makes me kinda angry: do NOT try to sneak in changes 
> from other RFCs (#7290, effectDuration)!!!
i will remove, see above

> * in alt_db_navframe.php::main() you introduce $hasFilterBox to store the 
> result of a check for a userTS setting, please initiate it as a member 
> variable for the whole SC_alt_db_navframe object so that you do not make 
> those checks multiple times
> * move modification of the tree filter to a separate patch
i do
> * do not indent code using spaces at the beginning of a line
> * do not add line breaks at the end of files
this may be the result of copy instead edit

> * do not replace whole files like with typo3/css/backend-scaffolding.css 
> and modulemenu.css - this probably happened because of changed line 
> endings, line endings in TYPO3 must be UNIX style
> * I veto the change of row2 of the docheader to white in the classic BE 
> style as white is not used there as backeground color (except for the new 
> toolbar). this disrupts the look and feel of the backend without t3skin
i try to extract the css for menu/tree only

> * suggestion: as the tree filter currently only filters, but does not 
> search the tree, it would be wise to only use "Filter" or "toggle Filter" 
> as new label in typo3/sysext/lang/locallang_misc.xml

i tried to include ajax search as well, this was the reason for Label. i can 
revert that to Filter until search isn't done

> * do not move tree.js - I guess we can't do that due to backwards 
> compatability (anybody please correct me if I'm wrong here)
Ingmar agreed in this case, look to his post

> other than that I like the look of the menu! just try to fix the gaps to 
> the left of the bottom borders of main menus so that they reach to the far 
> left.
there is still room for improvement, it's result of a hard working session 
yesterday ;-)

I will provide new patches as soon as possible.

vg  Steffen 

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