[TYPO3-core] RFC: Feature #7307: Move 'Open Documents' to Header in the BE

Stefan Geith typo3dev2008.nospam1 at geithware.de
Tue Jan 29 10:16:16 CET 2008


This is a request for comments

Type: Feature

Bugtracker references:


1.  When you edit records in the BE it would be nice
     to see how many records are opened for editing -
     as a reminder to close them or to proceed with editing.
2a. Open Documents apears as an item in the 'User Tools'-Folder.
2b. As long as you edit a record, then (and only then) there is
     a select-box at the top, where you can see (and switch to)
     other open records.

It would be greate to remove OpenDocuments there and move it
(extended by a counter for the open records) to the new header
of the new backend: just beneath the 'Shortcut'-Menu as a
I think this playe would be best for OpenDocs.

I added an image to explain how it could look like and how
I would prefer it.

Regrettably I'm not able to do a patch for this and I don't know how 
much work this would be...

Any comments ?


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