[TYPO3-core] RFC: Feature #4655: FeUsers in table sys_lockedrecords

Stefan Geith typo3dev2008.nospam1 at geithware.de
Mon Jan 21 11:47:37 CET 2008


I changed the patch a little to make check of
locked records easier in FE:

A Testplugin can be found in Bugtracker-Entry
of http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=4655

Notes on Testing:
- Naturally it only works, if your are logged in to the FE !
   So you need a TestSite, that has some FeUser
- Open some content-elements in the BE (!) and let them open (!!)
- In FE: Enter tt_content and the UID of the content-elements
   that you just opend in the BE and click on
      'check if record is locked'
   and see the ruslts
- In FE: Enter tt_content and the UID of another content-element
   and click on 'lock record' and check in the BE,
   if exclamation-mark is set on these records.
- In FE: log in as ANOTHER user (maybe in other browser)
   and check the same record: should be locked
   (if you check as the SAME FeUser, then you will
    not get a 'locked'-Message)



Dmitry Dulepov [typo3] schrieb:
> Hi!
> Stefan Geith wrote:
>> Problem:
>> Manage locked records also for Fe-User Editing
> I am following recent patch in the "Reminder" thread [1]. The question 
> is: how do I test this quickly&easily? I am not willing to generate 
> extension and write code just for tests. Is it possible to get test/real 
> extension with instructions for testing?
> [1] 
> http://support.typo3.org/index.php?id=12&tx_nntpreader_pi1[nid]=61&tx_nntpreader_pi1[mid]=224600&cHash=d433ace2d0 

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