[TYPO3-core] RFC: Bug #7096: Consistent interface for AJAX calls in the TYPO3 Backend

Benjamin Mack mack at xnos.org
Thu Jan 10 11:31:35 CET 2008

Hey Francois,

Francois Suter wrote:
> - when have you planned to implement the $params variable? I assume it 
> will contain the additional parameters sent in the AJAX call. In my case 
> I absolutely need to pass parameters. I did a quick something with 
> hardcoded parameters to test your work, but it won't do normally :-) Or 
> have I misunderstood something?
You probably have. Well, I think that you can get every additional 
paramter that is sent to the Backend through t3lib_div::_GP(), and all 
AJAX information is in the AJAX Object. So I don't see any needs for 
this array to be filled any time soon. You have any use for it?

> - I haven't looked at the initialisations you go through when calling 
> typo3/ajax.php, but wouldn't it make sense to have the $GLOBALS['LANG'] 
> object already defined? It's true that not all the calls need it and I 
> don't know how much heavier it makes the whole thing, but it's just a 
> thought.
This is done through template.php, we could move it from template.php 
into init.php, I mean in general. Are there any reasons why not to do that?

> One thing to note about the manual: I had an issue with case-sensitivity 
> with the line:
Sorry, yeah. I fixed that. Version 3 is attached.

> Oh, and +1 after testing, obviously :-)


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