[TYPO3-core] RFC: Feature #880: Click-enlarge for Images in htmlArea RTE

Stanislas Rolland stanislas.rolland at fructifor.ca
Tue Jan 8 02:16:01 CET 2008

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] a écrit :
> Yes, bad effect of the "obscure" three lines in parseFunc already have 
> been commented on the thread about bug#5841 (on the core-list). I just 
> added a note about it in the bug tracker #880.
> My patch v2 (see thread "RFC: Bug #5841: parseFunc tags.XXX for single 
> tags doesn't work") from 6.8.2007 should work better, in that it 
> specifically looks for a single "/" at the end of the opening tag (i.e. 
> with leading " "), which should fix the problem your patch has with 
> <link http://www.typo3.org/> kind of tags. A preg_match might not be 
> needed here (I am a preg_match fan...), maybe two substr comparasions 
> are faster. Stanislau, could you check that and maybe "rework" that part 
> a bit?
Thanks for the info. I am attaching a new version of the patch. I found 
that I could not even expect img tags to have a closing slash! Some just 
don't, at least at the time they are processed through this function. 
Therefore, this patch will specifically catch img tags as well as any 
correctly closed empty tags.


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