[TYPO3-core] RFC: Feature #880: Click-enlarge for Images in htmlArea RTE

Stanislas Rolland stanislas.rolland at fructifor.ca
Mon Jan 7 01:22:27 CET 2008

This is a SVN patch request.

Would be nice to be able to click enlarge on images inserted by the RTE.

The attached patch adds three (obscure, I admit) lines of code to 
class.tslib_content.php and activates an option implemented quite a 
while ago in htmlArea RTE.

Once the patch is installed on the latest trunk revision, here is how to 
test it:
1. there will be a new check box in the Extension Manager configuration 
page of htmlArea RTE: check the box;
2. also with EM, make sure images are enabled in the RTE!
3. on a TS template that applies to the page on which you are going to 
test, in section "Include static (from extensions):", add static 
template "Clickenlarge Rendering (rtehtmlarea)";
4. on a RTE-enabled content element, insert an image, then edit the 
properties of the image; there should be a new check box "Click to 
enlarge": check it, click update, and save;
5. hopefully, you should be able to click on the image in the frontend.

Let me know if you observe any bad side effect...

Bugtracker references:

Branches: Trunk

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