[TYPO3-core] RFC: #7333: Solution for "Page is being generated"

Ingo Renner ingo at typo3.org
Tue Feb 5 02:43:56 CET 2008

Michael Stucki wrote:

Hi Michael,

> The patch is pretty experimental but chances would be good to stabilize this
> until 4.2, however it's your turn to test and decide..
> Comments:
> 1. Many parts of the patch have been derived from Bernhards version

ok, fine. just as with Bernhard's patch:
please split lockPageGenerate() into lockPageGeneration() and 
releasePageGeneration() or aquirePageGenerationLock() and 

(should be in the commit for beta1)

> 3. There is still room for improvement and code beautification after the
> feature freeze... :-)

true =)

* init -> __construct()
* no $OK variables - what precisely is ok?
* $is_acquired -> $isAcquired (also does not need initialization during 
definition as you initialize it in the constructor)
* when detecting the locking method just throw an exception if it's not 
in the set of possible values and then maybe surround the 
aquirePageGenerationLock() with a try-catch statement
* acquire and release (private) methods should be split into several 
methods instead of having large switches -> aquireSimple, aquireFlock, 
aquireSemaphore, releaseSimple, ...
* function getid() -> getId()
* provide public function isAquired() : boolean

(not needed for beta1, but maybe for RC)

+1 after reading


Ingo Renner
TYPO3 Core Developer, Release Manager TYPO3 4.2

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