[TYPO3-core] RFC: #6670: Enable Tabs in Page Properties III

Benjamin Mack benni at typo3.org
Mon Apr 14 13:20:45 CEST 2008

OK, guys.

this is the final patch that includes just the things Malte et al. 
wanted to have changed, functional-wise. Now it's way easier to do a 
code review for the patch, I think.

@Malte / Helmut: Could you please try out this patch to see if it 
reflects the changes you wanted to have? Maybe you can send a screenshot 
to see what changes through this patch?

@Dmitry: What should we do with the label change?

@All: Please test and review this patch, and see what you don't like 
about it. It should be fairly easy to review now.

No code review / +/- 1 from me yet (I'm just easing the way for you guys 
to review).

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