[TYPO3-core] RFC: 8108: Extension configuration options are not always shown

Ingo Renner ingo at typo3.org
Sun Apr 13 23:58:23 CEST 2008

Francois Suter wrote:

Hi Francois,

> In all these cases the message is indeed visible, but I still think it 
> was way better when the options where directly displayed. Furthermore 
> the message is rather discrete (I actually missed it the first time I 
> tried).

ok, let's keep it like this for 4.2 then and work on a better solution 
for 4.3. OK?
The thing is that this really is not as trivial as it might look like.


Ingo Renner
TYPO3 Core Developer, Release Manager TYPO3 4.2

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