[TYPO3-core] RFC: #8092: defect wsid check in workspace-overlay delivering wrong record versions from DB!

Franz Koch typo.removeformessage at fx-graefix.de
Fri Apr 11 13:42:55 CEST 2008

Hi Martin,

>> Solution:
>> correct the operator in the if-statement of the wsid-check from '!==' 
>> to '!='. Patch is provided in bugreport.
> Why is this the solution? The original check assumed that wsid is an 
> integer. After your change an implict type conversion occurs.

sorry - didn't know that. It was at least the solution for my problem.

> I ahev no idea why, throughout the Core, the WS-id is strictly accessed 
> as integer, but as it is, we should figure out why at this point it 
> isn't instead of relaxing the check.

ok - if I find some more time I'll investigate into that. But as I'm not 
very familiar with the core - I'm not sure then if I'm the best for the 
job - but I give it a try :)

> PS: Always attach the diff on the list as well.
sorry - there it is just for completeness - although outdated now.

kind regards,
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