[TYPO3-core] RFC: #7986: Vertical aligned Icons in List-Module

Peter Niederlag peter at niederlag.de
Wed Apr 9 19:59:45 CEST 2008


Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] schrieb:
> Steffen Kamper wrote: on 09.04.2008 19:32:
>> the problem is that it uses the V if no versions there, if there are 
>> versions a yellow background is used with the number of versions, so i see 
>> no possibility for icon here :(
> Yes, I just saw a thread "somewhere" where the issue was briefly 
> discussed. The "V" is really a "version counter", so it might be "1", 
> "2", etc. It is pretty interesting to see that information in the list 
> view, maybe we just don't need it to be a "counter" but a two state icon:
> a) no versioning record
> b) versioning record is present and a mouse-over giving us the "count"
> The icon is already there (see context menu). What do you think?

IMO, nice idea!

Peter Niederlag * Neuer Sandberg 9 * 31535 Neustadt *
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