[TYPO3-core] RFC #6415: Bug: preg_replace error on php5.2 sometimes resulting in empty pages.

Franz Koch typo.removeformessage at fx-graefix.de
Sat Apr 5 18:30:50 CEST 2008

Hi guys,

>> The code is the current SVN Trunk. As can be seen test2 simply return an
>> empty page. I can prove a BE login to anyone interested (Just write me in
>> private).
> Ok, the page is really huge (>1 mb). I have tried to import that content 
> to my test environment (a html-element) and set
> config.prefixLocalAnchors = 1
> The content is parsed correctly and all local anchors got prefixed with 
> the current page URL. This was on Debian Linux (etch) with PHP 5.2.0 and 
> ini_get('pcre.backtrack_limit') gives me 100000 (default). Which is why 
> I now wonder, how to trigger that error?

will this bugfix make it into 4.2? I already ran 2 times into this bug. 
The first time on a page with quite some links due to the extension cal 
and fe-editing. The second time on a page with about 120 or 150 images 
that all where set to clickEnlarge (at first I thought the server 
couldn't handle the number of thumbnails to create).

So please, please find a solution. The patch in bugtracker works good 
for me. As mentioned in the bugtracker, I use a 'str_replace' as 
fallback if the preg breaks, so that the fuctionality is still given - 
even if that would mean, that some other 'href="#"' will get prefixed in 
the regular page content (which won't be the case in over 90% of the 

kind regards,

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